Our Research Themes and Teams
Our Research Themes and Teams
Teams from the following FAU projects are inviting guests from the Baltic Region and beyond to join them on the sailing schooner, Thor Heyerdahl:
A sailing trip is the perfect place for creativity, new ideas and cooperation. This extraordinary challenge provides new perspectives and personal experiences for our young scientists, while simultaneously strengthening the Cluster’s international profile.

EAM will present its expertise on the FAU Key Research Priority New Materials and Processes – widely recognized at an international level – to researchers, institutions and other audiences around the Baltic Sea. The participating EAM team was selected via a scientific competition amongst the cluster’s bright young researchers. Winners of the EAM call for proposal were Dr. Doris Segets and Dr. Jakob Albert. They plan to discuss and progress their project idea ‘Engineering of tailor-made catalysts based on polyoxometalates and nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic performance.’ Around this, they plan to set up a highly-interdisciplinary team of young scientists over the following EAM disciplines: Functional Particle Systems, Catalysis and Nanoanalysis & Microscopy. For EAM, Science Sets Sail is an excellent way to initiate and intensify exchange with partners, both on board and at the harbors visited during open ship days.
EAM Science Sets Sail contact:
Dr.-Ing. Doris Segets
Institute of Particle Technology (LFG)
Phone +49 9131/85-29404
Dr.-Ing. Jakob Albert
Institute of Chemical Reaction Engineering
Phone +49 9131/85-67417
Science Sets Sail offers a great opportunity – particularly for our doctoral candidates – to strengthen and extend our network in the Baltic States. The Thor Heyerdahl is an inspiring environment for collaborative research initiatives.

SAOT provides an interdisciplinary research and education program of excellence within a broad international network of distinguished experts to promote innovation and leadership.
During the trip our team will work on the topic Industry 4.0. We want to explore a different way to improve process control for additive manufacturing (AM). On the one hand, the continuing lack of process understanding of this still comparably young field impedes process planning and quality control based on expert knowledge and understanding. On the other hand, a lot of the data collected during production processes – in particular the potential for combining different sensors – is often ignored. Therefore, we want to find out whether we can use statistical, big data and pattern recognition approaches to gain new insight into the process itself and use this information for feedback control.
SAOT Science Sets Sail contact:
Joana Stuempfig Barrinho
Phone 09131/85 25855
Extraordinary environments like Science Sets Sail create the perfect atmosphere to confront new multidisciplinary topics, and accordingly, develop relevant initiatives and ideas. We welcome the scope to develop research and teaching within a network of international cooperation.

FAPS will use the inspiring environment of Science Sets Sail to strengthen its current research and industry cooperation with key Nordic partners. FAPS is one of the leading institutes for teaching and research in the field of automation and mechatronic systems. Its interdisciplinary and holistic approach optimises social welfare advantages. We innovate through the integration of knowledge from various disciplines, in particular the specialised disciplines within mechanics, electronics, information technology, bionics and optics. This includes all levels of integration, from automation components such as controllers, sensors and actuators up to the whole system. We cover the entire product life cycle, from concepts, through to development, sustainable and efficient methods of production, use and reuse of resources. We work on tasks including research and teaching, which are the result of high-quality scientific practices. The aim of our work is to ensure value and to expand new job opportunities.
FAPS Science Sets Sail contact:
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Martin Mueller & M.Sc. Alexander Hensel
Institute for Factory Automation and Production Systems
Phone +49 911 53029077
Human rights are a fundamental European heritage that we share. Fostering cooperation on human rights issues with new democracies from eastern European states and within the Council of Europe will strengthen this historic responsibility.
The European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights have built the most successful protection scheme of human rights worldwide. In recent years, however these acquisitions have come under scrutiny by political as well as technical developments. Nationalist political parties in Europe undermine liberty rights; social media, fake news and hate speech conflict with freedom of speech; the refugees are excluded from participating in education and work; asylum rights are being cut. Together with our guests from Scandinavian human rights institutes and from the new Baltic democratic states we want to explore both the new challenges for human rights and the common European historic responsibilities.
CHREN Science Sets Sail contact:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Safferling
Chair for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure,
International Criminal Law and Public International Law
Phone 09131/85-22247
As geologists, we are familiar with the fruitful environment of scientific cruises for making new discoveries and forging new relationships. Science Sets Sail provides a great opportunity to initiate new projects with Universities in the region and attract Masters-level students.
The GeoZentrum Nordbayern hosts a variety of working groups focusing on the Evolution of life, the Earth’s surface and interior as well on Applied Geology. Science Sets Sail will give us the opportunity to present prominent research directions to attract researchers and students from Scanadinavian and Baltic countries. We will invite colleagues from the Universities of Lund, Göteborg and Kopenhagen to discuss our science, expand existing collaboration and initiate new international cooperation projects with colleagues from the Baltic Sea region.
GZN Science Sets Sail contact:
Prof. Dr. Michael Joachimski
Phone 09131 85 29296 and -29297
Prof. Dr. Axel Munnecke
Phone 09131/85-26957
Science Sets Sail is an excellent opportunity for ENETLZE participants to expand their personal network and to train in collaboration skills. We also see it as a perfect chance for getting to know other FAU members and to strategically develop new ideas for future joint projects.

ENETLZE is a new Excellence Programme developed between Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (IIS), Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology (IISB) and FAU, combining excellent basic and applied research with career development for young academics. In addition to mentoring, coaching and networking, it enables role-swapping among partners to gain new work experiences in different organisations. The special feature of this programme is that an industrial partner provides third-party support. So industry-, applied- and basic-research work together to create new high-level research topics and, at the same time, to develop excellent high-potential academics. Science Sets Sail will allow us to strengthen our relationship with the universities of Tallinn, Helsinki and Turku, which are all strong academic partners. Additionally, ENETLZE represents a variety of internationally-active companies and will create opportunities to enhance exchange between academia and industry in the visited cities and amongst participating researchers.
ENETLZE Science Sets Sail contact:
Dr. Silke Schnurbusch, Project Manager ENETLZE
Phone +49 9131 85-20699
Science is very much driven by personal interactions. As an already highly-internationalised FAU department, we aim to develop new contacts within established research institutions and young researchers that will result in long-term scientific exchange and collaborative projects.

FAU’s Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy has a long tradition of excellence and is ranked amongst the best in Germany. Our research activities cover a wide spectrum in the areas of Chemistry, Materials Sciences, Food Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Science. To build up a basis for future collaborations with partners in the Baltic Sea region we will present some highlights of our ongoing research activities: neurotrition, characterisation of odor-active substances of relevance to human food and the environment, surface and interface science, computational chemistry, and the application of an arsenal of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques to a variety of molecular systems to explore new molecular hybrids, quantum dots, quantum rods and nanoparticles.
DCP Science Sets Sail contact:
Dr. Carmen Pospisil
Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Phone +49 9131 85 – 27649
This Sailing trip is the perfect opportunity to strengthen collaboration in joint projects and to initiate new cooperation. Science Sets Sail provides a very special environment that promotes creativity and interdisciplinary research. As optimisation problems occur in many different fields, we look forward to many fruitful scientific discussions.
Mathematical Optimization has become an important component in modern applied mathematics over recent years. Many challenging problems from business, engineering and industry can be modelled as discrete-continous optimisation problems. The study and solution of these problems is the main focus of our research group. This includes the development of mathematical models for real-world problems, their theoretical analysis (mainly using methods from graph theory, polyhedral combinatorics, differential equations, variational methods of optimisation and integer programming), and the design and implementation of fast algorithms as well as their evaluation in practice. Our group possesses vast experience in topics including logistics, optimisation in physics, engineering and energy. Currently, we also coordinate the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 154 ‘Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization using the Example of Gas Networks’.
On Thor Heyerdahl, we will firstly focus on topics related to gas-network optimisation. Secondly, we will investigate relations between optimisation and machine learning.
EDOM & CO Science Sets Sail contact:
Prof. Dr. Günter Leugering
Chair of Applied Mathematics 2
Phone +49 9131 85-67135
Ongoing and prior interdisciplinary collaborative work with physicists, chemists and others proved to be an invaluable source for ideas and elaborate research at the Faculty of Medicine. We are convinced, that this trip will facilitate the strengthening and establishment of innovative research projects.
The Faculty strives for excellence in all spheres of biomedical research. In recent years, we have built up special expertise in five core areas: infection and immunology research, kidney and vascular research, neurosciences, tumor research and medical engineering. ‘The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1181 – Checkpoints for the Resolution of Inflammation’, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2015, is a highly interdisciplinary network of FAU scientists. We aim to expand this network, in order to develop novel research projects together with the Baltic partners as well as other scientists from Erlangen. Science Sets Sail will allow our team to foster ideas for the investigation of new therapy options or novel diagnostic tools. This collaboration harbours the potential to generate results that can be translated into clinical applications in the near future.
Team Medicine Science Sets Sail contact:
Sandra Jeleazcov
Department for Internal Medicine 3 – Rheumatology and Immunology
Phone +49 9131 85 39109