Forging new ideas while sharing experiences
Forging new ideas while sharing experiences

Drawing on mankind’s earliest spirit of adventure, FAU created Science Sets Sail as a trip of scientific discovery on the Baltic Sea. FAU researchers and their guests from the Baltic region and beyond will forge new ideas together on the sailing ship ‘Thor Heyerdahl.’ The ship is named after the Norwegian researcher and explorer famous for leading the ‘Kon-Tiki’ expedition in 1947. Thor Heyderdahl showed that it was possible for ancient Polynesians to travel large distances using only materials and technologies available at that time.
I believe that the researchers that join us on the Science Sets Sail trip during the summer of 2017 – and their academic institutions – will benefit from building close and long-lasting relationships with FAU, a centre of excellence for innovation and international research.
Our goal is to build strong and committed teams by sharing new experiences, both on board and in port, while strengthening interdisciplinary research on a range of highly-relevant selected topics.
Local municipalities and chambers of commerce, higher education institutions, researchers at different stages of their career, highly talented students and members of the general public are cordially invited to join Open Ship Day events in five cities – Malmö (Sweden), Riga (Latvia), Helsinki (Finland), Tallinn (Estonia), and Danzig (Poland) – during the Science Sets Sail trip.
I am really excited about the new scientific horizons that Science Sets Sail will enable us to cross – in order to change the world.
Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, President
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
“Where your talents and the needs of the world intertwine; there lies your vocation.” Aristoteles